Monthly Archives: December 2015

12/18 Maria on Trump

BACKGROUND:   Back in June 2015, Donald Trump announced his presidential candidacy in the 2016 race. Along with his candidacy announcement, Trump made a racist statement in which he called to “build a wall at the US-Mexico border” because all

12/18 Maria on Trump

BACKGROUND:   Back in June 2015, Donald Trump announced his presidential candidacy in the 2016 race. Along with his candidacy announcement, Trump made a racist statement in which he called to “build a wall at the US-Mexico border” because all

12/18 Rachel on “Spotlight”

“Spotlight” movie trailor:   Background: On November 6, 2015, Tom McCarthy’s “Spotlight” opened in theaters, starring Rachel McAdams, Mark Ruffalo and Michael Keaton. The movie, based on a true story, reveals the many years of scandal ensuing throughout the

12/18 Rachel on “Spotlight”

“Spotlight” movie trailor:   Background: On November 6, 2015, Tom McCarthy’s “Spotlight” opened in theaters, starring Rachel McAdams, Mark Ruffalo and Michael Keaton. The movie, based on a true story, reveals the many years of scandal ensuing throughout the

12/11 Luis on Texas’s Redistricting Case

Background:   Evenwel v. Abbott began when Sue Evenwel and Edward Pfenninger (represented by the Project on Fair Representation, which is a conservative advocacy group that is very active in race and voting cases), challenged the Texas Senate’s manners of

12/11 Luis on Texas’s Redistricting Case

Background:   Evenwel v. Abbott began when Sue Evenwel and Edward Pfenninger (represented by the Project on Fair Representation, which is a conservative advocacy group that is very active in race and voting cases), challenged the Texas Senate’s manners of

12/4 Anna S. on Paris Climate Talks

BACKGROUND: It has been repeated throughout our entire lives that climate change is a problem that all of us as a generation needs to address. Due to the multiple industrial revolutions of the past two and a half centuries there

12/4 Anna S. on Paris Climate Talks

BACKGROUND: It has been repeated throughout our entire lives that climate change is a problem that all of us as a generation needs to address. Due to the multiple industrial revolutions of the past two and a half centuries there