2/12 Laura on the Zika Virus

2/12 Laura On Zika Virus

Background: First discovered in monkeys in 1947 by scientists in Africa, the horrifying fast-spreading mosquito-borne virus, known as the Zika virus has been primarily affecting the various parts of South America, the Caribbean, and Central America. This virus is mainly spread through the bite of an infected mosquito belonging to the species called Aedes, that are typically found in tropical regions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “The most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash, joint pain, or conjunctivitis (red eyes). Other common symptoms include muscle pain and headache. The incubation period (the time from exposure to symptoms) for Zika virus disease is not known, but is likely to be a few days to a week.” Furthermore, people do not die from the Zika virus and are at most times unaware that they are infected. However, the biggest concern surrounding the outbreak is it’s connection to Microcephaly. Microcephaly is classified as a irreversible neurological disorder that causes infants to be born with smaller heads and brains. Cases of the Zika outbreak began to emerge in the spring of last year in Brazil, and since has spread to various countries in Latin America. As a result, Brazil’s ministry have strongly advise pregnant women to avoid travelling to Zika affected areas because of it’s relation to infant brain damage. However, with Brazil preparing to host the Olympics in the summer, they are not suggesting restricting travel because it could potentially severely impact revenue, tourism, and or trade.




Summary: According to the New York’s Times article, after the february 1st statement made by World Health Organization (W.H.O) declaring that the Zika Virus is an international public health emergency, a new test to detect the Zika Virus possibly can be available in the next upcoming weeks. As mentioned in the article, the featured test theoretically will be an easily accessible test that can efficiently diagnose patients. Thus, could help provide information to researchers in a timely manner so that researchers are able to analyze the various groups of patients to conclude how fast the virus is spreading. Although there is no set date for when these tests would be available, experts from W.H.O estimate it will be weeks, and not years. Further on in the article, it discusses that ten companies are picked to conduct tests with the option of either conducting a technique that looks for the virus in the patient’s blood. While others will use measuring the amount of antibodies the body is reproducing to attempt to fight against the virus. However, no official tests have been approved yet, this development sparks hope. Although, there is no vaccine for Zika virus if procedures follow well with these administered tests, it can speed up the process and provide concrete evidence pertaining to how fast it is spreading.



Connection to Government: This issue of the Zika Virus connects to the US government because it directly involves congress, and the executive branch. As of february 8th, President Obama asked congress for $ 1.8 billion in emergency funding to combat the Zika virus. The money is needed to fund an array of agencies from the Department of Health and Human Services such as, Centers for Disease Control. As well, would involve the United States Agency for International Development because the involvement of several other countries. These agencies will be needed to help prevent the Zika outbreak from spreading to the United States. Quoted, “Of the $1.8 billion, $828 million would go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to pay for surveillance, and rapid-response programs. An additional $200 million would go to research and development of a vaccine.” The immediate action is essential because the government needs to be provided with the resources necessary to combat the Zika virus right away, unlike the inaction taken with the Ebola virus that eventually made it’s way to the United States. If congress approves the funds, it would also expand access to contraceptives for the women in the affected regions, although Latin America has tough abortion laws. Unlike with the Ebola virus, world health officials are responding very quickly to the Zika virus.



Analysis: Furthermore, with Zika declared a global public health emergency, and scientists being weeks away from developing a test for the Zika virus, immediate action must be taken by US officials. It is essential that the US Congress takes immediate action by approving President Obama’s request for funds, so that US agencies are equipped with the resources needed to combat the Zika virus head on. With this virus having a strong connection to neurological disorders that would severely impact pregnant women, it is significant that the US works fast to blockade the virus. Although it is inevitable that the virus will reach the United States because of returning travellers, if agencies are funded with the given resources, they will be able to decrease and keep the amount of serious Zika infections under control.


  • Do you think the United States should pull out American athletes who plan on traveling to Rio De Janeiro for the Olympics this summer, due to the concern surrounding the virus?
  • Do you think President Obama was right for taking immediate action on this growing epidemic? and should Congress approve his request for the emergency funds? why or why not?
  • Do you think officials were correct in not recommending that they cancel travel altogether due to economic factors? why or why not?
  • Do you think the countries in Latin America should allow pregnant women access to contraceptives, despite their strict stance on abortion?


About hamiltonbla

I am a teacher at Boston Latin Academy and hope to make this site very useful for my students!


  1. Based on the information I read, Zika seems to be a serious issue concerning the entire world. With the Olympics coming up, it is a big concern to countries coming to Brazil. The Olympics should possibly be moved, but not until the people have seen how the Zika virus develops and if a cure is discovered before the Olympics take place. Obama was right in taking immediate action because this is a serious issue that affects many countries around the world. By acting fast, Obama is taking a stance against a disease that is affecting many people in developing countries. By acting fast, Obama is allowing Brazil to have a chance in keeping the Olympics, which would help improve the economy of Brazil. One of the New York Times articles states, “Previous public health scares have quickly mutated into political crises. The White House’s halting response to the Ebola virus hurt Democratic lawmakers in midterm elections in 2014, and the Zika virus has prompted a well of concern on Capitol Hill”. People care about the economies in the areas affected by Zika and want to make sure they are not decimated by the virus. In the mean time, with the virus severely affecting fetuses, the governments in the regions affected by Zika should start to reconsider their stance on abortion. The world needs to unite against Zika and help the countries affected by it, maintain their economies.


  2. I think that they will still be traveling unless the virus only continues to get worse. With all the testing that is being made in order to help with the issue of the virus, I think it will get better before it gets worse. I still think they will try to take really preventative measures and by the sounds of the article by Forbes, no one wants to travel to an area where the virus hits. “Part of the reason why you host an Olympics is the hope that the event will serve as not-so-free advertising for the host city and country. That all the media exposure associated with the event will parlay itself into longer term tourism spikes.” President Obama was right for taking immediate action on the growing epidemic, especially since it was affecting so many people from all across the world. Congress needs to approve his request for emergency funds because the longer they wait, the worse it would get and the more it could spread. Officials were correct in not recommending that they cancel travel altogether due to economic factors because it would solve a lot of problems that are already occurring. Since I already believe that women should be allowed to use contraceptives no matter what, I think women should be allowed to use them especially because of this virus. “The good news is this is not like Ebola — people don’t die of Zika; a lot of people get it and don’t even know that they have it,” Mr. Obama said in the interview with Gayle King. “What we now know, though, is that there appears to be some significant risk for pregnant women or women who are thinking about getting pregnant.” Since it is a high concern for pregnant women only, contraceptives should be used to prevent the Zika virus so that it doesn’t affect anyone else.


  3. Nafisa A.

    I do not think America should pull its athletes out of the Olympics because of the virus. Viruses don’t just die down so you might as well continue with plans already made especially since Zika is not known to cause deaths. Zika is important to start understanding on a deeper level because of its link to microephaly which is why I agree with President Obama’s decision. The concern for mothers giving birth to a healthy younger generation is important for all countries so Congress should approve and give that money to the Center for Disease Control and others. I strongly agree with the officials in not cancelling travels because of economic reasons. I do have a personal bias on the issue of tourism because I have plans on going to Brazil in the next few months but although recent stories have come out of Brazil with their polluted waters and now Zika it will most likely still be a country with high tourism. The level of tourism is good for both airline companies and Brazil’s economy. Giving women access to contraceptives and to abortions would also help the economy in Latin American countries as well as prevent the growth of children being born with microephaly. Overall, the issue surrounding the Zika virus should be a concern to the general public and actions should be taken to research into it but life should continue on but with precautions especially to those who live where the virus is primarily affecting.


  4. Malachi Hernandez

    Although a large concern has been raised due to the Zika virus, American athletes should not be pulled from the Olympics. They have trained too hard to miss this opportunity, and the Olympics plays a major role in their income. Although it is a safety hazard, there can be a potential option where those that traveled to Rio must get tested before coming back to the states. President Obama took on the necessary tactics to prevent his country from roaring with this disease. Congress at the end of the day will have a say in the emergency funds discussion but they should honestly put the politics aside and focus on what is best for the people. These are lives on the line, not a campaign. At this point I would say that officials were correct in not recommending that they cancel travel altogether due to economic factors because that’ll be a dramatic decrease for the FAA’s profit. Due to the circumstance I do think that Latin America should allow pregnant women access to contraceptives, despite their strict stance on abortion because why would you want to give birth to a child who you know has a higher chance of the virus as opposed to other children across the country. Explaining this to the child once they get older would definitely be a hard one.


  5. Anna

    I do not believe the summer 2016 olympics should be held in Rio De Janeiro but not because of the Zika Virus but because of the rampant poverty and corruption in Rio. Previously this decade the World Cup was held in Rio, Funds were allocated by taking away money from education and welfare along with other social programs. However with all the funds, the Brazilian government could not finish building a new soccer stadium in time for the World Cup and the existing soccer stadium had to be used. With a track record for not only collecting money through unscrupulous methods, Brazil has a failing government filled with corruption and inefficiency the 2016 olympics should not have been chosen to be held in Rio. President Obama has a duty to propose legislation to protect the people of the united states and by asking for funds to prevent and cure the Zika virus therefore the president was doing his job. The officials are not correct on demanding that travel be cancelled because that would severely cripple the Brazilian population that is reliant on tourism for livelihood. If individuals decide not to travel due to the fears of the Zika virus then they should but to stop due to economic factors would only hurt the economy more and lead into a downward spiral. In Latin America, religious beliefs severely inhibit the sale of contraceptives, the zika virus would be intensive for latin american governments to allow the use of birth control in various forms to prevent children with small brains from becoming the majority.


  6. I don’t think that American athletes should be pulled from the summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro because the Zika Virus won’t affect them. The spread of the Zika Virus is dangerous for pregnant women but if a healthy adult, such as the athletes, are infected, they won’t suffer any consequences. Aside from this, I am sure that the American Government and the Olympic facilities will make sure that there is no risk of being infected by the virus. I think Obama was right to take immediate action on the growing epidemic because the spread of this virus can affect the new generation that is being born. Although congress might try to claim that there has not been a Zika spread in the US to contribute so much money, I think that they should give the fund to president Obama’s plans to prevent a spread that could potentially happen in the spring/summer seasons. I think offcials were right in not cancelling travel because it would be very chaotic to do this. The economy in fact will suffer. I definitely think that the countries in Latin America should allow contraceptives as well as abortion. I think it is idiotic to ask a whole population of people to abstain from sex for two years as the virus is controlled…..there is no way that this could be possible! Not only should this contraceptives and abortion be allowed in these countries, they should also be more accessible to the women who need them!! Majority of these countries have very strict rules about abortion – but in a health emergency such as the Zika virus, it is important for the politicians to think about the social problems that are happening.


  7. Katrina M

    I think that athletes going into the olympics this summer should be cautioned about the Zika Virus but leave it up to the athlete if they want to put out or not. We shouldn’t just automatically pull out athletes because the Zika virus is only affecting pregnant women. I don’t think a pregnant woman will be competing in the olympics. However, they should still be warned of the virus. Ultimately, the athletes should hold the power in if they should be able to travel or not. However, i do think that the fear of the Zika virus is going to greatly drive down revenue for the olympics. I think President Obama was right for taking immediate action. Immediate action is the key to preventing any infection/virus/disease ect. However, should we be spending $1.8 BILLION on something that isn’t in our country and doesn’t affect a whole lot of people? No. I understand that it is a serious virus that needs vaccination and eradication immediately but I think $1.8 Billion is little pricey for a country that is already in great debt. I think the U.S should help combat the Zika virus but we shouldn’t be diving in headfirst. We don’t want to be spending loads of money we don’t have on a virus that may turn out to be not all the serious. I think officials were correct in not canceling travel because it’ll hurt the economy greatly. On top of that, I think it’s always up to the individual to decide if they want to travel or not. To me, the zika virus sounds like another ebola virus situation to me. In both cases, the viruses are harmful and the entire world freaked out when they heard about it. However, for ebola is was very hard to contract and for the Zika virus, it is only harming pregnant woman. These viruses are serious, but they are also not something that is going to destroy the human population. Lastly, no matter what country you are in woman should be allowed access to contraceptives. It’s their bodies, they should be able to do whatever they want to it. However, not everyone thinks like that.


  8. Vedad Catovic

    I feel like the sudden outbreak of Zika virus is a huge threat to the athletes participating in the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. The Zika virus affects everyone, and I feel as if we shouldn’t be having the Olympics in places with large cases of Zika Virus, but there’s no way to really stop the Olympics from happening. Brazil has already spent a huge amount of money to make the cities ready for the Olympics, and to just cut off the Olympics from happening in Rio would do a huge toll on the economy of Brazil. I feel as if Obama was right in asking Congress for money in order to stop the spreading of Zika virus, and to do the most research on the virus. It seems to be hitting very close to home, even coming as close as the Dominican Republic. The US needs to do whatever it can to stop the spreading of the Zika virus, but also to find a cure, because it seems as if sooner or later the virus could come to America. I feel as if it isn’t really about the economy as much as it is personal health. I feel as if people who are planning to go to countries in Latin America are still welcome to go, but that those people should beware of the dangers of the Zika virus, because it is indeed a real thing. There is no cure yet, and there seem to be a lot of cases, so there can only be 2 options: either don’t go on vacation to countries that have cases of Zika virus, or go and try your hardest to prevent contracting it (however that may be). I also think that women who have contracted Zika virus and are pregnant should be able to get access to contraceptives, because without contraceptives, these women will be spreading Zika by giving birth. I feel as if we should stop the spread as soon as possible in order to keep the world a healthy place.


  9. Luis Rodriguez

    I think that Olympic athletes should at the very least be given the option to independently decide to retreat from traveling to Rio De Janeiro. It should not be up to the US government to decide whether or not athletes should be going to the Olympics or not. These athletes have worked hard and deserve to go to the Olympics and no one should take that away from them. Yes they should be informed on the unfortunate possibilities that come with attending the event in Brazil, but they should be the ultimate say in whether or not they will attend.
    Since the US seems to be so interested in being the police of the word then yes taking immediate action was the best thing that could have been done by President Obama. Also since there do not seems like there will be any major repercussions from it, I feel as though Congress should grant his request. Funding in the US has gone to much less important and meaningless things, so Congress should realize that this is an international dilemma that needs to be dealt with and thus we should make moves to solve it and this is the first step.
    I thought that traveling was specifically not cancelled because of the economic issue that would be brought up. Brazil like many underprivileged countries rely highly on tourism as a source of income. More so now that the Olympics will take place there. Therefore, I feel as though traveling restrictions or embargoes should not be emplaced, but the risks should be made public so all those going into the country know the risks.


  10. Ambar Pena

    I believe American athletes should not be pulled from traveling. Although I believe that there is a greater chance that they will be infected by traveling to Brazil, these games is a time that these athletes have trained for and waited years for. Athletes passionate enough to go to the Olympics will stop at nothing to make it a reality. Also, at this point it is possible to catch the zika virus wherever you are because of how widespread it is in latin america, especially since some cases have already been reported in the US.
    Taking immediate action was very smart of Obama to do. This is quickly becoming a widespread epidemic that will more than likely hit the US just as it hit latin america. Congress should approve the request because the more is known of the zika virus, the quicker a possible vaccine can be found or just plain information will be useful to the US and the rest of the world.
    I believe it was not really correct because this is something that affects people’s health and the health of babies. It is a bit selfish, but in the same way if the economy goes down in a country, it would be worse for those that are affected by the zika virus.
    I believe that latin america should allow women access to contraceptives because it is something they should have, regardless of the zika outbreak. But it is biased of me to say since I like in the US. Latin american countries have a very strong stance on abortion and it is what they believe.


  11. I do not think that the United States should pull out athletes who plan on participating in the Olympics this summer because they have worked way too hard the past couple of years to get to where they are today. Those athletes would be completely devastated if they had to give up on this once in a lifetime chance. Pulling them out would also mean that the United States is throwing in the flag for chance to become Olympian champions. Lastly, the disease would not affect the athletes in a horrible way. There are multiple ways that the athletes can protect their skin and even if they were infected with the virus, they won’t be pregnant. Therefore, I wouldn’t be life threatening in any way. President Obama was right for taking immediate action and Congress should approve his request for funds because it is the appropriate thing to do. One thing we do not need as a country is an additional health risk, especially to pregnant women. Approving the funds would help prevent anything from happening before it does. President Obama also made a good political move because if he didn’t do something as a response to the epidemic, people would have criticized him as a lousy president (again). I can’t say whether or not officials were correct in not telling people to cancel plans. I say this because in my personal opinion, unless you’re pregnant, the virus won’t harm you in a horrible way. Also, a lot of countries would suffer economically if all travel was shut down. That would be harmful in a way. Therefore, it would be a waste of money to cancel future plans. However, I would understand if officials did say cancel plans, just to be on the safe side. I think countries in Latin America should allow pregnant women access to contraceptives because it’s not a good idea to let children into the country if their health would be at a major risk. Also, not all pregnant are pregnant due to carelessness or pleasure. Therefore, everyone’s situation may be different and maybe they couldn’t control getting pregnant or not.


  12. Rachel G.

    I think that it would be most fair for each athlete who plans on traveling to Rio De Janerio for the summer Olympics to decide on their own if they want to put themselves at that risk. Cautions need to be taken and no one person should decide for many athletes what is best for them. I think that President Obama was right for taking immediate action on this growing epidemic. Congress really should/needs to approve his request for emergency funds. Obama only wants to be prepared if anything were to happen widely in the U.S. If the president did not suggest funds, he would have been criticized just as much. Officials should not have recommended canceling travel because, just like the athletes, it up to the individual person to decide if they want to put themselves at risk. Latin American countries should allow women to take contraceptives, despite their stance against abortion, because it would put more people at risk than not. If a child is going to be born to live threatening health risks and could very well die sooner than later, the mother should have the opportunity to think of her health first.


  13. Im not really an expert on it, but i’m sure that the government as well as the olympic committees and doctors wouldn’t risk high preforming athletes getting sick. So if they decide that when the time comes its too dangerous, or if they decide its ok for them to go i would trust their judgment more than mine. Lets be honest, Zika virus isisnt a new occurrence, neither was ebola, the US government never cares about diseases like this effecting “3rd world countries” because for us its out of sight, and out of mind. The only reason we care now is because it could effect, and has effected American lives. Congress should approve his funds, but this was no immediate action. Well I don’t think it was only economic factors that prompted officials to not deem certain areas as a complete travel risks, people have been warned, people have been given guidelines and they have been given precautions to take, now it is up to individual judgment as to whether or not one chooses to travel. Obviously women should be allowed contraceptives. End of story.


  14. Leah Daly

    I think that the United States should pull out American athletes who plan on traveling to Rio de Janeiro for the olympics unless the zika virus gets under control. I think that the Zika Virus is extreme and we should do everything we can to keep it from spreading. I think that by the summer the virus will either have a vaccine or will be a lot less extreme than it is now. I think that Obama was right for taking immediate action because this is an epidemic that we want to stop before it worsens. I think that officials were correct in not recommending that they cancel travel altogether because a lot of vacations are already booked for spring break and it would have a negative impact economically if officials were to cancel travel plans. I think that counties in Latin America should allow pregnant woman access to contraceptives despite their strict stance on abortion because it could help limit the spreading of Zika and could help control the virus over all.


  15. Charlene Evans

    I do not think that the US should pull out American athletes who plan on traveling to Rio De Janeiro for the Olympics this summer. I think that the US should inform the athletes of the patiently danger and if the athlete still decides to go, I think the US should keep a close watch on them before they come back in the US. On top of that, I think that President Obama was right for taking immediate action on the growing epidemic because it helped protect the American citizens, which should always come first. Also, I think that Congress should approach his request got the emergency funds because although it’s a lot of money, it’s for a good cause because it will make sure that Americans stay safe. I also do not think that officials were correct in not recommending that they cancel travel altogether due to economic factors because this means that they are picking money over people’s lives which is utterly disturbing. Also, I think that although the countries in Latin America are strict on abortion, I think that they should allow pregnant women access to contraceptives. I do because int he New York Times article tiled “The increase in microcephaly — an incurable form of brain damage — has been blamed on an epidemic of the Zika virus, which was unknown in Latin America before this year.” states, “The increase in microcephaly — an incurable form of brain damage — has been blamed on an epidemic of the Zika virus, which was unknown in Latin America before this year.” This shows that the Zika virus is very damaging in unborn children which will effect them for the rest of their life and if it can be avoided by taking a pill, by all means it should be allowed.


  16. Kiley Blodgett

    I do not think that the United States should pull out American athletes who plan on traveling to Rio De Janeiro for the Olympics this summer. Since the Zika Virus does not lead to death and mainly only greatly affects pregnant women and their children, I do not see why the Olympic athletes should be restricted from attending the Olympics in Brazil. Also, according to the New York Times, scientists are not even sure if the brain damage so many infants are facing is due to the Zika Virus alone, “‘We don’t know if it’s only Zika or if it’s a combination of Zika, dengue and chikungunya,’ said Dr. Marco Collovati, the founder of OrangeLife, a Brazilian diagnostics company that is working on a rapid test for the virus. ‘Maybe a woman was infected by dengue a year before, and now is pregnant and gets Zika.’” I think that it would be safe for the athletes to attend the Olympics in Rio De Janeiro, given that the virus is neither deadly nor a huge threat to everyone. I believe that President Obama was right for taking immediate action. Since the Zika Virus is spreading closer and closer to and even into the United States, I think that it was a smart move on Obama’s part. Congress should approve President Obama’s request because the funds are needed in order to prevent the spreading of the virus. I do think that officials were correct in not canceling travel because travel plays a large role in the economies of an abundance of countries, especially Brazil. Canceling travel could be disastrous towards theses economies. I feel that Latin American countries should definitely allow pregnant women access to contraceptives. Since the Zika Virus is so dangerous to children, women should be allowed to access contraceptives in order to prevent microcephaly. This is a health concern and people in Latin America need to realize that women desperately need access to contraceptives and abortions.


  17. I don’t think that the United States should pull out the American athletes who plan on traveling to Rio De Janeiro for the Olympics this summer, due to the concern surrounding the virus if they can make sure to have safety precautions going there and while they are there. I think that if they don’t then its not a good idea to go but it shouldn’t be too bad. Even though it is mainly focused on pregnant women affecting future babies, it can also be transmitted through an STD so it should be taken seriously. I think Obama was right for taking the immediate action on this growing epidemic because he is trying to protect this country and the people of the US. I think congress should approve his emergency funds because he is trying to keep the people of the US safe for future issues and to keep the from spreading in the US as well its effective. I don’t think the officials were correct in recommending that they cancel due to economic factors it just shows that money is more important than peoples health. I think that Latin America should allow pregnant women access to contraceptives, despite their strict stance on abortion because its their health and a future babies health they are worrying about and its a serious issue, they may need other options.


  18. Something as serious as this Virus should always have its precautions. I believe that cancelling the Olympics or even preventing people from attending will take lots of money to do so instead, what we should focus on is using that money to invest in bettering the research needed to put an end to this or at least get some answers to see how we can prevent this from spreading even more. Obama, having had taken immediate action on this growing epidemic was right. I am glad that he did not wait for this to get worse because it could get to a point where we have no control of it and our future generations will be at a disadvantage because of the mutations that his virus is causing. If confess does not approve this request it will be very heartbreaking and sad knowing that they do not care about it affecting not only those in other countries but potentially the people of America too. It would be best to have control of it now before it gets even worse. As a precaution for individuals themselves, I do not believe that they were correct in telling people NOT to cancel due to economic factors because it is basically saying that they care more about the economy than they do its people. I believe that if they would have stated that they would rather them not travel as much due to health concerns than that would have been better but saying it in that way really makes me question the true intentions of the government officials. Concluding my response, Countries in Latin America should definitely allow pregnant women access to contraceptives, despite their strict stance on abortion because this virus is endangering the future children that they may have and if they can avoid this I don’t see why the countries wouldn’t let them. I believe that this would be one of the ways to prevent the virus from spreading to future generations. Although it will mean less children in the world, I’m sure we can figure something out to make up for it. Although it sounds a bit insane to let everyone do it, I’m sure there will still be women wanting to have children, no matter the circumstance. Once again, the virus isn’t completely deadly so looking into other alternatives to curing or making this virus go extinct would be the best solution.


  19. Maisie Whalen

    I think though the measure of pulling out American athletes who plan on traveling to Rio De Janeiro for the Olympics this summer due to the concern surrounding the virus may seem excessive but in any case I personally feel it is better to play it safe than sorry. In the unfortunate event that one athlete was to contract the virus it would fall back on coordinator whose jobs is to put the athlete health as a top priority. Therefore I think American athletes should not be sent in places where the virus has spread.
    I think that it was right for Obama to take immediate action on the growing epidemic. In the New York Times article entitled ‘Short Answers to Hard Questions About ZIka Virus” stated “The C.D.C. does not recommend a particular antiviral medication for people infected with the Zika virus.” This is due to the fact that there is no vaccine. Systems may be mild but there is no reversing the damaging effects it causes on pregnant women. Congress should approve at least some portion of the desired $ 1.8 billion emergency fund in order to help try to help aid the damage and prevent any further spreading of the virus.I hope that congress would be able to agree on the greater good rather than political platforms. It is understandable for some station based upon the fact that such money is desperately needed on many fronts of America’s needs,never mind the deficit.
    I believe that it was good for economic reasons to not completely cancel travel because these countries are already hurting in other economic sectors due to this outbreak. People who do travel are doing so on their own risk and doctors and other professional that need to travel to such places to help would not be allowed to travel within such areas to help.
    I think that all nations should give women the decision of what to do there bodies. Given the circumstances I believe that it is even more urgent to allow women access to such contraceptives.


  20. Due to the concern over this recent Zika virus, travellers should be cautious when traveling to the countries that are affected. That leads to the next subject, I do not think that pulling the olympic athletes out of the 2016 olympics this summer is a good idea. These athletes had trained for so long for this one special event and it would be unfair for the country to intervene and strip them of this amazing opportunity. I believe that president Obama took the right action for taking immediate action to combat this virus. I believe that congress should give president Obama these funds so that the epidemic can be contained and eradicated once and for all. It was wise of the officials to not cancel any travel to these countries because it would only cause an uproar for people who had made plans prior to the cancellation had it been recommended. At an economic standpoint, cancelling these travels will hurt both the U.S and the countries affected by the virus. Restricting the travels to these countries would make it seem as if the U.S is issuing an embargo on these countries. It would only build tension between us and the affected countries. Finally, yes I do believe that countries in Latin America should allow people to have access to contraceptives even if they morally oppose of it. It’s always better to be safe rather than risking the lives of these unborn children.


  21. In my opinion Zika is fast becoming a pandemic, but I don’t believe we should take athletes out of the games in Rio. As long as none of them are actively trying to get pregnant then it should be relatively harmless. I do think Obama had the right idea with preventative and emergency measures because this virus has the potential to disable an entire generation. Congress should approve this because it’s not even a political issue it’s a public health crisis. While I don’t feel comfortable having people travel back and forth because of the risk of spreading the disease I do see the necesity of keeping travel open. The economy in many countries is tied to it’s travel and tourist industry, it would cripple a lot of countries where the income would be sorely needed. I think that no matter what and where women should have easy access to contraceptives but the Zika virus puts this in an even more urgent light. The amount of babies born with microcephaly would quickly drown resources and income, many families in Brazil and South America already live in poverty and don’t have adequate funds to care for a child with that severe a defect. It’s also not fair to the children themselves since quality of life is greatly diminished. Contraceptive access is going to be huge in limiting the damage this virus is going to cause, and it’s the most cost effective and kind long term option. I would hope that even the most religious would realize that birth control is definitely the lesser evil (and actually a good thing) rather than an entire generation of severely impaired and disabled children.


  22. Jillian Demaray

    I think that the United States should not pull out the American athletes and it should be up to the individual athletes on what they want to do. It should not be up to the US to decide on whether or not they go to Rio De Janeiro. I believe that Obama did make a good decision and because this is such an epidemic, there should be some funds to help the people who are affected by the virus. I think congress would be making a good decision by approving the request. I think that is really up to the individual on whether or not they should cancel their travel as long as they are well aware what they are putting themselves into. Because of the economic factors, they were not wrong or right by doing this but it should really be up to the people. I think the countries in Latin america should give the pregnant woman contraceptives because it is more important to be able to control the births than have babies who are born with these defects.


  23. I think that the Zika virus is dangerous and everyone should be extra cautious when traveling. However, I do not think that the United States should pull out American athletes who plan on traveling to Rio De Janeiro for the Olympics this summer due to the concern of the surrounding virus. I think that as long as the athletes are careful when traveling, they should be just fineI think that President Obama was right for taking immediate action on this growing epidemic and Congress should definitely approve his request for the emergency funds because it is very dangerous for pregnant women in the sense that their children may get severe birth defects. I do not think that the officials were correct in not recommending that they cancel travel altogether due to economic factors because it is ultimately the peoples choice in deciding whether or not they want to travel and risk getting the Zika virus. I think that the countries in Latin America should allow pregnant women access to contraceptives, despite their strict stance on abortion, because it is much better to allow women contraceptives than have children who have severe disabilities.


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